Inscription of a particular research paper is a tough job, as there are lots of things to be carried out in the process of the inscription, starting from topic selection, review of literature, selecting research methodology, collection of data and analysis, and coming up with conclusive remarks and policy implications. However, upon completion of all these steps, one last and important step remains, lack of concentration on which can result in wastage of all the efforts being put forth for coming up with that paper. This step is called as selection of proper journal, in accordance with the scope of the research paper.
It has to be understood that a quality research paper is nothing but a product being produced by a researcher, and in order to bring forth its significance, the product must reach its intended target audience. If it is not done in the expected way, then the product will never receive the prominence, which it should have got. Every academic journal has a specific set of readers, both in the world of academics and industry, and it is solely driven by the scope of the journal. These journals are mostly multidisciplinary in nature, as encapsulating several management disciplines in a study is desired by most of the academicians and practitioners. Therefore, while selecting a journal, the researcher should identify the scope of own work and the scope of the journal very carefully. Once there is a match between those two aspects, the journal has to be shortlisted. After there is a comprehensive list of all those journals, then the researcher should look into those journals, in order to identify the most recent conversations among the researchers across the world. Modifying the study in accordance with those conversations will enhance the chance of publication in those journals. For more information about importance of selecting proper journal for the research paper, kindly browse through the pages of